Saturday, December 15, 2007

My First Visit to USA


I am back. This time with some exciting stuff. Recetnly I visited San Francisco (San Ramon to be exact) for some field work. For a boy from a small town, it's a big leap. Everything is new. Right from crossing the street (Can you imagine! I spent close to 10 min in figuring out that push button to cross the road!)

View Larger Map

Whether it is about printing a train ticket myself on the vending machine from SFO Airport to Dublin Pleasonton route or taking a cab from the BART station to the hotel (Sierra Suites) where I had booking it was first time for me and luckily it turned out to be a pleasant one!

I braved outside my room in the night to have some snacks as I was hungry. I could find only a Taco Bell outlet and struggled to find something 'Vegetarian'. Finally ordered something and it turned out to be some meat preparation. I didn't like it, but had no heart to throw it in dust bin, somehow gulped and washed it down with the raspberry flavored coke that came with it as a combo pack.

The second day I took a train to SFO airport (Still disoriented in the new timezone!) slept on my way and missed the SFO station. No one around to ask for directions, but somehow figured out that if I stayed on the same train, it would shuttle back to SFO airport. Felt relieved, stayed awhile on my seat (meanwhile, I prayed all the gods I know that no one should be checking my ticket or no camera around to beep that I am carrying an invalid ticket). Finally, understood the system and felt comfortable moving around without any hassles.

Rest of my journey I shall blog when time permits! So Long! :-)

Friday, July 20, 2007

OD - Organizational Development - A Discipline

The first time I heard this term is when I was in Symbiosis (SCMHRD), Pune. I thought it is just another fad and tried to ignore this subject.

But as things unfolded, I started liking this subject and showing more interest in learning this. Now, at Satyam School of Leadership we are doing RealTimeLearning (RTL)based on OD principles of Performance Consulting. 

Now lets, look at OD briefly...
Organization Development (OD) is a powerful approach for applying behavioral science to improving organizational effectiveness and human fulfillment at work. Its primary emphasis is on relationships and processes between and among individuals and groups. OD also encompasses the overall performance of the organization, its effectiveness, structure, and internal/external system impacts. All of these components are critical success factors in the results-oriented organization.
For anyone interested in more about OD, here are some links:

The Nine Steps to OD:

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I am Reading...

1. Survival of the Savvy: High-Integrity Political Tactics for Career and Company Success  
by Rick Brandon , Marty Seldman

2. The Leadership Pipeline - Ram Charan

3. Leadership without Borders - Ed Cohen

4. How full is your bucket? Tom Rath & Donald Clifton

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the power of positive thinking

Countless Authors, Speakers, Trainers, Gurus .. have all said and written about the power of Positive Thinking. The best seller of Norman vincent peale, is a phenomenon that changed many lives around the world.

Jim Toomey, the creator of Sherman's Lagoo puts it like this,



 Reproduced by permission of JP Toomey. See his site at Sherman's Lagoon.

I came across a term Positive Organizational Scholoarship' (shortly 'POS') during my classes at XLRI. Prof Srinivas, introduced us to this area. Since then I am talking to various professionals, OB specialists, browsing internet and trying to learn more about this and how I can apply to my life.

I found an interview of Kim Cameron,  a professor of organizational behavior and HR management at the University of Michigan Business School.

So, What is POS? as defined by Kim Cameron,
" a new movement in organizational studies and organizational development that focuses on that which is positive, flourishing, and life-giving in organizations. It investigates positive deviance, or the ways in which organizations and their members flourish and prosper in extraordinary ways."
Read more on Accentuate the positive - interview with Kim Cameron, editor of Positive Organizational Scholarship – Interview

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I'm back!


I m back to blogging. I shall try to be very regular from now on. I understand the power of blogging and the effects it has on me. It takes a lot to type in few words that express myself!

I shall bring to you some interesting comments, polls, links around the world, about my daughter - Manasvini, about my work, about my passion, about my research work @ XLRI, Movies I see and much more.

In this era of information overload, why should one read my blog? I shall always try to bring in interesting stuff that will add value and profound meaning to those who read this (tall claim uh!)

As of now, I am suffering from a severe 'Time 'mis'Management'. I named my Blog as 'Carpe Diem' is for this purpose. I shall 'Seize the day'!!!

I have started a poll (Pls Look at the right side of your screen) on who/what influences our 'Career Choices'. Kindly vote and we shall get an idea on what moves majority of the people.

Off late I am working on the following areas of interest:
1. Second Life - How it can be used for 'Learnign & Development'?
2. Voice blogging - is this interesting and easy to use?
3. How do professional networks (Like linkedin) 'work'
4. How does a 'Web Radio' work?

If any of you have any comments to post on any of the above topics, you are welcome.